Thursday, October 05, 2006


Well, Yerby finally got around to sending me a few photos that he took of me as I worked. It'll be a while before he captures all my sides ha ha, but here are a few clips.

Taylor asked me what she could do about the dust in her camera. I told her to take the lens off and drew a deep breath...

I think I have my "hardworking" look down to a science. Pretty convincing, huh?

Chimp............................Chimp.......... CLICK!CLICK!CLICK!


Blogger Joe said...

I really like your photography. I'm a big fan of sports photography, although i've never been that great at it. What kind of camera are you using, and are you doing any touch-ups with any photo editing program?


10:54 AM  
Blogger Wes Putt said...


I use Canon 1D bodies and canon lenses. Touch-ups are used very minimally, in accordance with the Associated Press' guidebook, meaning that manipulation beyond the original meaning of the photo is forbidden.

Most of the time, I am just toning, sharpening, and maybe some dodging and burning when necessary. Dodging is making an area lighter, burning makes an area darker. I use Photoshop for this work. The idea is to be able to take the original photo, put it side-by-side with the edited, and all you should see is that the edited photo has more "pop". It should NOT be a different photo.

I hope that helps. If you have any other questions, just let me know.


11:59 AM  

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