Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Definitely goes into the random pile.

Everyone has a junk drawer. It's a cubby, a cabinet, or just what it says-- a drawer full of very useful, uncategorizable and most certainly unrelated items. For instance, in this drawer, you'll find a pair of scissors as well as a book of matches. It's like a treasure trove for MacGyver.

Anywho, this post is a cleansing of my junk drawer of photos---- with a twist.

They are all photos from my phone. Enjoy.

This is Frong. Frong is actually a toad. He is roughly the size of my fist and puffs up if you touch his back. He resides in the outdoor break area at work. See Frong smile.

This is Gnat, my future Godson or Goddaughter. I'm so proud of this kid that I am already collecting photos of him or her at 6 weeks.

Sometimes I feel just like this dog. By the way, I was in my car when I took this photo.

This is one of my work areas at my job. I don't even get a cubicle. I just get a cornercle. Oh well.

I decided to see if my camera would break if I took a photo of myself.

This is what a solarized chicken sandwich looks like. A little too CSI for me.

This is my OTHER work station. It lies deep in the photographer's dungeon of creativity and darkness. Mt. Dew is my friend.

This is Radley, although certainly not the best photo of him. Zamora's shot is much better. Recently, Radley got out of the yard and was hit by a car-- but he's going to be okay. According to the vet, he may have a fractured pelvis. This is something that takes care of itself, but not without plenty of rest and assistance from Z and I.

This is Frong again--- only he's not in a very good mood.

My best friend Alex, with flower.

Be-- with no facial hair. A rare thing since my goatee grows like crabweed, yet the rest of my face is a barren wasteland of hairlessness.

Death came knocking on my door today--- in the form of a bird. Or, at least, if Death was a bird--- this is what he would look like. PEEP!

This is a 1978 Pontiac GTO. My dad's first car was a '68 GTO, but it was still nice to see one in such good condish.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dog picture is one of my favorites ever.

12:31 PM  

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